The korean wedding tradition is a series of rites that recognize the couple’s communities and their identity, unlike many American weddings, which are typically just one big party. Every information has a special meaning, from the clothing to the meal to the spear south korean singles and beverage.

The Paebaek serves as the first service. This used to be merely for members of the family, but now it can accommodate visitors. The bride and groom greet their new in-laws at this service, who are seated behind tables filled with various foodstuff. The symbolic jujubes ( Korean dates ) and chestnuts, which are children’s foods, are two of them. The few gives the kids their riches and makes a serious bow. Additionally, they enjoy a mug of purpose up. The newlyweds attempt to catch them with their garments after receiving the jujubes and chestnut from the in-laws. According to legend, the names of the people they catch reveal how many sons or daughters the handful did had.

The couple’s side sends items to the bride’s home once the wedding is final. Although they are typically regional goods, they can cost more. The bride’s mother typically wears a light orange gown, while her daughter does don a red or pink one.

The Jeonanrye, where the man presents his potential mother-in-law with outrageous birds, is another pre-wedding ceremony. This demonstrates that he will remain faithful to his novel wife and that their relationship may last a lifetime. A gift of sturdy ducks replaces this one from nowadays.